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  • CoreTrustSeal Certification : apply for Certification from January 2018 onwards !

    (Sources: Core Trust Seal & Core Certified Repositories)In September 2017, the ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) announced the launch of a new Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) certification organization: CoreTrustSeal, which is looking to expand to trustworthy software, trustworthy data services, and fitness for use/...
  • Open Data Cube (ODC): an open source project to better manage Satellite Data

    Project Open Data Cube is a 100% open source project free for all to use and released under the liberal terms of the Apache 2.0. ODC was born out of the need to better manage Earth Observation/EO Satellite Data and has evolved to support interactive data science and scientific computing.  As ...
  • Open Repositories 2018 : Sustaining Open

    The annual Open Repositories Conference is a practitioner based conference that brings together people from higher education, government, libraries, archives and museums to focus on repository infrastructure, tools, services, and policies. The Conference provides a forum for delegates from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise ...
  • Apply for 3rd Africa Open Science & Hardware Summit ! (13 - 15 April, 2018)

    AfricaOSH is a gathering for everyone interested in Open Science & Hardware ...... as a means to achieve locally adapted, culturally relevant, technologically and economically feasible production in Africa; ... as an alternative to traditional Intellectual Property (IP) and closed knowledge systems; ... to understand its potential for development and collaboration across Africa, especially ...
  • Avoiding Data Use Silos : How to Simplify The Open Licensing Landscape

    The Open Knowledge International report  ‘Avoiding data use silos - How governments can simplify the open licensing landscape’ (December 2017) explains why reusable standard licences, or putting the data in the public domain, - are the best options for governments. While the report has a focus on government, many of the ...