Project Open Data Cube is a 100% open source project free for all to use and released under the liberal terms of the Apache 2.0. ODC was born out of the need to better manage Earth Observation/EO Satellite Data and has evolved to support interactive data science and scientific computing.
As ...
The annual Open Repositories Conference is a practitioner based conference that brings together people from higher education, government, libraries, archives and museums to focus on repository infrastructure, tools, services, and policies. The Conference provides a forum for delegates from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise ...
AfricaOSH is a gathering for everyone interested in Open Science & Hardware ...... as a means to achieve locally adapted, culturally relevant, technologically and economically feasible production in Africa; ... as an alternative to traditional Intellectual Property (IP) and closed knowledge systems; ... to understand its potential for development and collaboration across Africa, especially ...
The Open Knowledge International report ‘Avoiding data use silos - How governments can simplify the open licensing landscape’ (December 2017) explains why reusable standard licences, or putting the data in the public domain, - are the best options for governments. While the report has a focus on government, many of the ...
Report details: The evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1064730; all content published can be shared according to CC BY 4.0)This report, commissioned from Knowledge Exchange (KE), is an overview and synthesis of the evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDIs) in the six KE partner countries: ...