Capacity building for open access repository administrators and managers: EIFL-OA – KIT – COAR online workshop

What kind of online tools and resources are available for repository administrators and managers? How can we share knowledge, exchange expertise and build capacities to launch open access repositories and to ensure their long-term sustainability? What kind of professional support can open access repository administrators and managers receive? 

The guest speakers will be:

  • Africa Jumanne Bwamkuu will present the Institutional Repository Communication Platform (IRCP), which is part of an institutional repository capacity building initiative started in February 2011 by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Association of African Universities (AAU), and The Toolkit for establishing well-managed repositories.
  • Dominic Tate will tell about the United Kingdom Council of Research Repositories (UKCoRR) – an independent body for repository managers, administrators and staff in the UK that promotes repository management as a recognised and respected profession, provides a forum for discussion and exchange of experience, represents the views and concerns of those who work with repositories in organisational, policy and strategic development – and will talk whether this model is replicable in other countries.
  • And Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme manager and a Chair of COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) Working Group 3: Repository and Repository Networks Support & Training will present the COAR training materials on operational issues required to install, implement and deploy open repositories.

Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences. There will also be time for questions and answers.

How to register

To register your interest in attending the workshop, please email iryna.kuchma[@] by Monday, July 25 stating your name, email address, job title, country, and your EIFL role if you have one.

The session is open to anyone to attend but places are limited. If it is oversubscribed, priority will be given to participants from EIFL partner countries.

How you participate

Once your place is confirmed, you will receive a URL and password for the session.

All you will need is an internet-connected computer with sound (and maybe headphones if you are in a busy room).

Please check if your computer will be able to access the session successfully here./p>