Drupal hack for generating ISO 19139 XML metadata

I am developing two Drupal 6 based Document Repository sites that have greatly benfited from the AgriDrupal design document. Thank you for making it available!

I know about AgriDrupal through the Global Rangelands project at the University of Arizona but it is the U.S. Geoscince Information Network project at the Arizona Geological Survey that required me to generate ISO 19139 dataset metadata.  I belive that the hack can used to relatively simply create other complex XML metadata such as FGDC or CSW Records (OGC's DublinCore representation).

I wrote some documentation here: Creating ISO 19139 metadata through Drupal Views and Views Bonus Pack

However, I would like to move any questions or development discussion to the Views Bonus Pack issue thread here Generate ISO 19139 metadata record XML files in order to include the Drupal community at large. You can see the hack in action here  - click on the ISO 19139 link

Ciao, Wolfgang