EIFL-PLIP Call for Concept Papers

This Call is about the replication of services from projects funded in the first round  of EIFL-PLIP. Applicants are invited to localize, develop and adapt services to their own environment.

EIFL requests submission of concept papers from eligible public libraries by 30th June 2011. The best of these will be developed jointly by the proposing library and EIFL into project plans for up to 20 small grants of up to $15000 [USD] each. Grants will be awarded at the end of October 2011 for work to be done during the following 12 months. The proposed concept papers  can be either for new activities/services or to strengthen/extend a service/project which the proposing library is already running.

The call is open only topublic libraries in countries with emerging and developing economies.

Complete information about the Call is available here.

Application procedure

Review essential documents

How to apply


Application deadline: 18:00 (Rome/Italy time) June 30th, 2011.

Contact information:[email protected]