New Webinar@AIMS: How to practically support Open Access: Guidelines for Data Providers of the OpenAIRE scholarly communication infrastructure

The AIMS team is pleased to announce the webinar How to practically support Open Access: Guidelines for Data Providers of the OpenAIRE scholarly communication infrastructure". It will present an overview about the evolution of OpenAIRE guidelines, challenges and methodologies.  It is open for information management specialists, librarians, software developers and other interested people.


This webinar will provide an overview of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for data source managers who operate literature repositories, data archives or current research information systems.

The general principle of these guidelines is to improve interoperability of bibliographic information exchange between repositories, e-journals, CRIS and research infrastructures. In particular they are a means to help content providers to comply with Open Access policies and enable reporting of research output from public funding, e.g. the European Commission Open Access mandate in Horizon2020. An important aspect of the continuous development of these guidelines includes the use of established authority files and controlled vocabularies.


3rd December 2015  - 16:00 Rome Time (Use Time Converter to calculate the time difference between your location and Rome, Italy)


Jochen Schirrwagen is research fellow at Bielefeld University Library, Germany. He has been working in library projects since 2004 in the field of electronic publishing and Open Access.

Since 2008 he is based at Bielefeld University Library, responsible for metadata management, aggregation and contextualization of scientific information in the knowledge infrastructure projects DRIVER and OpenAIRE. He is one of the co-author of the OpenAIRE guidelines  for data source managers and coordinates its further evolvement.

How to join

The session is open to anyone but places are limited. If you are interested to attend the webinar, send an e-mail to, containing the following information:

  • your name
  • your affiliation
  • your e-mail
  • your country

System requirements

Once you have requested to attend the webinar, you will receive an e-mail confirming your place with an URL access. Make sure that:

  • you have good internet connection
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome
  • Adobe® Flash® Player 10.3. If in doubt, go to Checking system requirements of the web conferencing programme Adobe Connect.


This webinar is co-sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and CIARD.