
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • Draft auto evaluation report submitted

    attached you will find the draft of the auto evaluation report that we commissioned to Tom Baker. This needs to be read and studied thorughly. It does not redirect our work dramatically as we are already going the way that Tom is proposing. But some concepts are expressed much more ...
  • About Indexing

    Dear All, Please find the different issues about indexing in the attachment file.           Best Regards, Ahsan
  • Resources on Linked Data

    The articles behind the following links should be read by everyone :-)
  • Report of Agrovoc Concept Server of MIMOS workshop, Malaysia,2010

    Dear All, I have put everything in the document about Agrovoc Concept  Server workshop at MIMOS,2010.  Please have a look at it, and feel free to add or modify the text in the document.  I am sorry that I could not make it shorter :(. Everything was import to me     Best ...