The European Ontology Network (EUON)
The European Ontology Network (EUON) is a network of experts in ontologies as well as other types of semantics such as terminologies, vocabularies and schemas. The network is base in Europe and is domain-agnostic, therefore it engages experts from different disciplines, including natural sciences, physical sciences, humanities, arts, languages, social sciences, computational and mathematical sciences, both from academia and industry. The idea for the establishment of the network was conceived during the 2013 EUDAT meeting at Barcelona, Spain. You may find more information about the background of EUON at the blog post of James Malone, one of the founders of the network.
The goal of EUON is "to connect the European Ontology Practitioner Community and to create a platform to provide quick and easy help to those who need to solve urgent problems in the semantic area". This will allow the collaboration of ontology experts from different domains, the sharing of expertise & experiences as well as the avoidance of duplication of work that had already taken place. The network consists of a number of partners and associated partners through the use of formal mutually beneficial collaboration agreements covering a variety of different activities and outputs.
EUON organize its 1st Workshop on 25/9/2014 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, collocated the Research Data Alliance 4th Plenary Meeting as well as the 3rd EUDAT Conference. You may find more information about the 1st European Ontology Network Workshop here.