AIMS offers access to free webinars to all interested parties on a variety of information, data and knowledge. Topics include: open access, open data, research data management, knowledge information systems, data curation, metadata, linked open data, big data, open tools and standards supporting stewardship of information and data in agriculture, along with other domains.


  • Webinar@AIMS: Research4Life: The library that opens doors (EN)

    Research4Life is a public-private partnership of the WHO, FAO, UNEP, WIPO, Cornell and Yale Universities, the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers and over 200 international scientific publishers. It provides developing countries with free or low cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online. Eligible libraries and their ...
  • Webinar@AIMS: Perspective on Big Data in the CGIAR

    To help reaching the Sustainable Development Goals, CGIAR must tap into Big Data.  Within the programme on Climate Change for Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), researchers have already applied Big Data analytics to agricultural and weather records in Colombia, revealing how climate variation impacts rice yields.  After defining its Open ...
  • Webinar@AIMS: Big Data challenges and solutions in agricultural and environmental research

    Agricultural and environmental researchers traditionally work with large data sets and have through time developed their ways to handle scenarios involving massive data. Current developments in ICT and (big) data science potentially provide innovative and more effective ways to do this. However there are numerous barriers and pitfalls, sometimes unknown ...
  • Webinar@AIMS: How to practically support Open Access: Guidelines for Data Providers of the OpenAIRE scholarly communication infrastructure

    The AIMS team is pleased to announce the webinar “How to practically support Open Access: Guidelines for Data Providers of the OpenAIRE scholarly communication infrastructure". It will present an overview about the evolution of OpenAIRE guidelines, challenges and methodologies.  It is open for information management specialists, librarians, software developers and ...
  • Webinar@AIMS: INRA's Big Data Perspectives and Implementation Challenges

    The AIMS team in cooperation with the BigDataEurope consortium is pleased to present the webinar “INRA's Big Data Perspectives and Implementation Challenge”. It willpresent perspectives and implementation challenges of big data for agronomic research organisations.  It is open for information management specialists, librarians, software developers and other interested people.Abstract"...
  • RIOXX: the pragmatic development of a metadata application profile

    Developed by Paul Walk and colleagues at EDINA, RIOXX is designed to provide a mechanism to help UK institutional repositories comply with the national funders' requirements for reporting on open access outputs from public funding. RIOXX focuses on applying consistency to the metadata fields used to record research funder and ...