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There are many online communication tools and channels readily available highlighting all areas of AIMS interests and initiatives, keeping subscribers up to date on all of the latest knowledge, information, data sharing and more.
One of the main communication channels are tailored electronic mailing lists, individualized to distribute updates surrounding each of the AIMS community initiatives. Subscribing to these electronic mailing lists offer many benefits including a space for the exchange of information in the form of discussion forums, and a channel of communication for subscribers to receive updates and information about specific communities they have subscribed to.
Subscribe and stay informed on:
The AGRIS mailing list was created with the objective to facilitate communication among AGRIS data providers and the AGRIS team. It is a place where members receive news and information on the developments of AGRIS including new data releases, information about new stakeholders, etc .If you are interested to receive this information please join the AGRIS mailing list.
The AGROVOC mailing list receives regular updates about the status of AGROVOC including: data releases, additions of new editors within the community, information about editorial meetings etc. If you are interested to receive general information on AGROVOC, the thesaurus and controlled vocabulary please join the AGROVOC mailing list.
The AGORA mailing list allows members to stay up to date with the latest from Research4Life initiatives and AGORA resources in the field of agriculture & related sciences. The mailing list supports the effective use of research, education and training with access to high-quality agricultural information. If you are interested to receive this information please join the AGORA mailing list.
Capacity Development:
Access to knowledge and education about the effective use of open data in tackling the food security and nutrition challenges by building capacity of potential stakeholders is crucial to foster an innovative environment to maximize the outreach of FAO’s programmes, as well as enhance awareness about the principles of data, information and knowledge sharing.
One of the many benefits of participating in a massive open online course (MOOC), is the option for participants to subscribe to electronic mailing lists with fellow alumni to stay in communication and create digital dialogues to continue the education process.
Farmers Data Management (FDM) alumni group - The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and FAO together with the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) offered the “Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development” online course in 2019. The alumni group continues to support the work of professionals involved in using or managing data services for the benefit of farmers and farmers organizations.
GODAN alumni group - The GODAN Action project has developed a free online course on ‘Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition’. It has been designed to reach and train a higher number of participants, from a wide range of countries, who can use the online resources to study at a time and location convenient for them. The alumni group helps past participants stay in contact and continue to support one another on open data management.
AGORA alumni group - This MOOC aimed to deliver knowledge about the fundamentals of information literacy competencies and develop necessary skills to access and effectively use AGORA - a collection of up to 13,700 key journals and 26,900 e-books in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences, - offered to more than 3,400 institutions in more than 115 eligible countries. The alumni group continues to provide one another support and updates on AGORA.
Research4Life alumni group - The Elsevier Foundation and FAO funded the development of the Research4Life MOOC, equipping existing and future users of the Research4Life programmes (Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI and GOALI) with the knowledge and skills required to access and use the platform efficiently. The alumni group continues to provide each other with support and updates to continue to utilize the Research4Life platform properly and efficiently.
AIMS Community:
On top of the many available mailing lists to subscribe to, readers can also stay informed by joining the AIMS community. The AIMS Community is an open and free space which allows communication and the exchange of ideas, suggestions, questions, and solutions around the core areas of Information and Data Access Services, information and data management open standards, technology and methodologies. AIMS community members can connect with other community members, and share their posts on good practices, projects, events. Learn more about joining the community here.
Social Media:
Even more, interested readers can join the AIMS LinkedIn group page. This page creates a virtual meeting room and forum where professionals in the food and agricultural industry can post relevant content. The group is also important to facilitate conversations around digital data for innovation and resources available to support promoting accessibility of digital data and research, breaking barriers, linking and opening data and facilitating innovation transfer, assuring the generation of new ideas in food and agriculture. Join the group here.
Regular dates are also published on the @aims_community Twitter account, offering another space to create digital dialogue. Follow the account here.