Apply by 5 November 2018 ! Free Open Data Management Online Course in Agriculture, Nutrition and Land

The GODAN Action Team is pleased to announce a new call for applications for a free Open Data Management Online Course.
Book your place now for the last chance to take the course before the end of the year!
GODAN Action has been offering a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition since autumn 2017 in addition to a number of face-to-face trainings. This free online course aims to strengthen the capacity of data producers and data consumers to manage and use open data in agriculture and nutrition. So far, including the recent course that ran in October 2018, 2700+ people from 120+ countries have been trained on open data management through this online course. |
This time around the course content has been enriched with more content on nutrition data in addition to agriculture and land. We particularly invite those who are working in the nutrition field, both as data producers and consumers to apply for this course.
The course will last 3 weeks (from 19 November to 7 December 2018) and is offered in English.
Participants are expected to spend on average eight hours per week completing lessons and engaging in activities such as discussion forums and webinars. The course is free of charge.
The curriculum consists of five units:
- Open Data Principles
- Making Data Open
- Using Open Data
- Sharing Open Data
- IPR and Licensing
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the principles and benefits of open data
- Understand ethics and responsible use of data
- Identify the steps to advocate for open data policies
- Recognise the necessary steps to set up an open data repository
- Understand how and where to find open data
- Apply techniques to data analysis and visualisation
- Define open data frameworks and FAIR data principles
- Understand the basics of copyright and database rights
- Apply open licenses to data
To apply for the course, please complete this online form by 5 November 2018.
Welcome to Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition Online Course A detailed curriculum of the course is available on the GODAN Action website. |
For further information, you can always contact us at [email protected]; visit course website.
This online course is the result of a collaboration among GODAN Action partners, including Wageningen Environmental Research (WUR), AgroKnow, AidData, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the Land Portal, the Open Data Institute (ODI) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA).
Data management : learn more :
- IGAD Pre-Meeting: Data collection in Africa: State of the art, challenges and solutions (5-6 November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana)
- International Data Week (IDW). The theme of this landmark event is ‘Digital Frontiers of Global Science’ (5-8 November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana)
- IASSIST 2019 Conference : Call for proposals "Data Down Under: Exploring DATA FIRSTS” (applications will close December 23, 2018)
- The theme for Love Data Week 2019 has been decided on "Data in everyday life." Keep an eye on the Love Data Week blog for forthcoming information on more specific subtopics. Also look for more news on Twitter at #lovedata2019
- Data Interoperability: The Land Portal experience of Open Data management (recorded GODAN Webinar)
- ODI Fridays lunchtime lecture: Data sharing to transform public service delivery
- DATA PUBLICATION ONLINE HELPDESK is ready to provide information support to DATA PUBLISHERS & CONSUMERS (questions that are posted to the Q&A service will be linked with a data standard and the list values of the data standards that could be linked with each question is connected with the online map of standards. For more information on the map of agri-food data standards, the full accompanying report is available on F1000)
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And, thanks again for your interest !