

  • Agridrupal 076 new version

    Dear all, we have released a new version of Agridrupal. What we have added: decoding of some dc:type codes to import webagris records(K=conference paper,E=journal article, etc..);(notice that this decodification can be customized); node reference "book" for conference proceedings to store "dc:source" from imported ...
  • AIMS Newsletter. VOA3R Special Issue

    In collaboration with community members, the AIMS Team is pleased to announce a series of special newsletters on topics of interest to the community at large. This first issue is dedicated to the repository initiative VOA3R and contains an interview with its project leader, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia. Also featured: ...
  • AGRIS Search Engine updated with more than 7,500 records in July 2011

    The AGRIS Search Engine is a global public domain database with 2,652,385 structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology. 82.1% of records are citations from scientific journals. The bibliographic references contain either links to the full text of the publication or additional information retrieved from related Internet resources. During the last ...
  • Parallel Case Studies in Repository Platform Migration

    Open Repositories is an annual conference for everyone interested and involved in the world of repositories - mainly institutional or subject repositories providing open access to research-related publications. This year's conference (OR11) was held in Austin, Texas, and hosted by the University of Texas. Imma Subirats and I agreed to ...
  • Enter the Open Access Week Competition

    In the lead up to Open Access Week, INASP is encouraging partners and network countries to use Open Access Week to showcase the activities that universities and research institutions within developing and emerging countries are planning and doing. INASP is hosting a competition to provide small contributions of $500 (US) for 10 ...