
En el archivo del sitio web de AIMS pueden buscarse noticias sobre AIMS relacionadas con cualquier tema.

  • Release of DSpace 1.7.2

    DSpace announced on its website the release of 1.7.2, a bug-fix release of DSpace. It resolves a few minor issues that existed in both 1.7.0 and 1.7.1
  • DSpace 1.7.2 release now available!

    DSpace announced on its website the release of 1.7.2, a bug-fix release of DSpace. It resolves a few minor issues that existed in both 1.7.0 and 1.7.1, including: Resolves an Oracle database bug when performing EPerson Admin tasks Resolves a caching issue in "Recent Submissions" listing for XMLUI Fixes an error message in ...
  • Vocabulary Management & Alignment at DC-2011

    DC-2011 Pre-conference Session: "Vocabulary Management and Alignment" DATE: 21 September 2011 TIME: 9:00 - 17:00 PLACE: National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague REGISTRATION: Registration is available for this special day-long session only or for the full conference. We are writing to invite ...
  • India's NARS should accelerate Open Access

    New blog post from the AIMS Open Access Group :  "India's NARS should accelerate Open Access Movement in Agriculture Research for Development" by Dr. Sridhar Gutam, AIMS community expert on Open Access. Dr. Sridhar Gutam studied Plant Physiology at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and joined Agricultural Research Service (Indian ...
  • India's NARS should accelerate Open Access

    In 1947 Jawaharlal Nehru, former Prime Minister of India said, "Everything else can wait, but not agriculture." This stands even more true today. The information of agricultural research should be disseminated quickly to all its stake holders. The India's National Agricultural Research System (NARS) which is one of the world's largest ...