‘Open in Action’ in Agriculture & Beyond

Each year, the International Open Access Week celebrates Open Open Access as the new default in scholarship and research. This year the celebration was held October 24-30, with the theme ‘Open in Action’. Below there is a short overview of some initiatives focused on agriculture and related domains that took place during the last week.
Since 2006, AIMS has actively discussed different open initiatives (information management standards, tools, resources) in agricultural domain and beyond.
AIMS is an entry point for searching such information, but also a community of practice formed by professionals who engage in a process of advocating, spreading and sustaining best practices in a shared domain of open data, open access and open science for agriculture and nutrition.
From AIMS you can retrieve, for example, different informative details about the following initiatives, which are actively supporting open/free access and re-use of data/research in agricultural & related domains (just to name few):
- Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN);
- Agricultural Data interest Group (IGAD) at Research Data Alliance (RDA);
- Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA);
- Agricultural Science and Technology Information (AGRIS) with AGROVOC Linked Open Data annotations of web;
- AgriSemantics – an open entry point to a number of ongoing initiatives around the topic ‘Agricultural Data and Semantics’;
- Open Knowledge in Agricultural Development (OKAD) channel of the F1000Research.
The INTERNATIONAL OPEN ACCESS WEEK has always been about ‘Action’, and this year’s theme has encouraged once again different research communities (including those supporting agriculture) to present their ‘OA ACTION IN PRACTICE’ from multiple perspectives, thus encouraging others to continue to invest in making their knowledge less exclusive and more public. Below are some of these ‘Actions’ - focused on agriculture and related domains - that took place shortly before/during the Open Access Week 2016:
- Open Access in action at CGIAR Centers and CGIAR Research Programs that featured a variety of activities, tools, stories, and documents supporting ‘Open in Action’;
- AgriGIS Workshop and Think Tank Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya) that promoted the use of Open software, Open Data and Open science in the agriculture sector in Africa using AgriGIS, as well as raised awareness about GODAN capacity development initiatives in agriculture and nutrition globally;
- OPEN FIELDS - GODAN Documentary Web Series;
- OPEN FORIS initiative (a set of free and open-source solutions for environmental monitoring) that was presented during the joint meeting of FAO and World Bank;
- Open Principles in Education free webinar that highlighted the role of GODAN initiatives in Open Data aspects;
- Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre that presented a theme "Raising awareness of Open Access Repository of Health Community in Tanzania" [the Center was awarded a grant through the INASP Open Access Week competition];
- Geo for All Labs World-Wide initiative that focused on building and expanding Open Geospatial Science (as of 27th October, 2016, the initiative counted 111 labs worldwide);
- Free RDA Webinar highlighted the past event ‘From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution’.
If you know of other relevant initiatives (focused on agriculture & related domains) that took place during Open Access Week 2016, please feel free to share your knowledge by adding comments and/or by writing to AIMS team!
Echoing the importance of all OA Week Initiatives as well as OA Policies, which appear in different flavors to meet different requirements, AIMS Community is looking forward to expand its collaborative advocacy activities towards opening up access to research publications and data, and to build new collaborations with all interested to promote open sharing of agricultural knowledge & standards.
Some links related to 'Open' theme:
- What is the difference between open access and free content?
100 Stories: The Impact of Open Access (Open Access to Scholarly Communication in 2016: Status and Benefits Review)
- Creative Commons
- Open Agriculture (an open access journal)
- Open Access Directory (OAD): a compendium of simple factual lists about OA
- Open Access Overview (an extended version and a brief introduction) from Peter SuberOpen Access book by Peter Suber
- SPARC Open : the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
- Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020
- Open Access and Open Data (CGIAR)
- PubAg - a portal to USDA-authored and other highly relevant agricultural research (with over 42,709 full-text journal articles)
- Registry of Open Access Repositories (filter agri-food)
- Directory of Open Access Repositories (filter agri-food)
- Registry of Research Data Repositories (filter agri-food)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (filter agri-food)
- A Global Data Ecosystem for Agriculture and Food (GODAN discussion paper)
- Preprints: biomedical science publication in the era of Twitter and Facebook
- Open innovation, open science, open to the world
- Open innovation, open science, open to the world
- New Open Access Button
Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI): Making Open Access Policies work