Apply for access to INSTRUCT research infrastructure for Structural Biology. Manage you data with INSTRUCT and EUDAT - B2SHARE

INSTRUCT is a pan-European research infrastructure in structural biology providing open access to high specification, specialist infrastructure. INSTRUCT collaborates with EUDAT to publish and manage research data. INSTRUCTS invites you to submit proposal for Bertini Award 2017 for researchers whose work is conducted within European Member states or Third countries. Deadline is November 30th 4PM.
"Structural Biology is at a critical stage where close integration with cell biology will open up new and powerful insights into health and disease", - Prof. Dino Moras.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
INSTRUCT is the ESFRI infrastructure for structural biology, which researches the molecular basis of life.
INSTRUCT offers open access to structural biology infrastructure that is available at INSTRUCT Centres.
Applications for access to infrastructure in any INSTRUCT country/Centre can be submitted at any time (periodically, special calls* for access will be published with a defined deadline).
INSTRUCT is looking for research projects that demonstrate innovative approaches within integrative structural biology. INSTRUCT aims at encouraging the integrative use of technology and methodologies. However, applications for individual INSTRUCT platforms are also possible where local facilities provide the other techniques required.
The application and review process is efficient, transparent and quick, with a target turnaround time of two weeks.
Further information on who qualifies, what the success criteria are and the guidelines on which they are based are all provided within the site. An explanation on what INSTRUCT Access funding provides is available here.
Review INSTRUCT catalogue of technology, receive support from INSTRUCT team and make your application!
The user guide to submitting a proposal can be found here.
* Till November 30th 4PM, individual researchers whose work is conducted within European Member states or Third countries in the last 5 years could apply to Instruct Ivano Bertini Award 2017 (of €15,000), which recognizes a significant achievement in frontier research that utilizes an integrative structural biology approach which aligns with the INSTRUCT vision. Apply now!
Last but not least…
Over the past months, INSTRUCT developers worked with EUDAT to enable the usage of the B2SHARE to publish and manage research data. This insures seamless single sign-on to truly integrate all of the services for the users from these two online communities.
EUDAT (Research Data Services, Expertise & Technology Solutions) is the collaborative Pan-European infrastructure providing research data services, training and consultancy for Researchers, Research Communities and Research Infrastructures & Data Centers. B2SHARE online service provides a reliable way to publish, store and share research data.
In order to achieve data publication in a FAIR manner and foster their findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability, EUDAT has developed a set of (FAIR) data tools, including the FAIR Data Point (FDP), which is a software layer on top of datasets to expose them as FAIR (inter-linkable) data.
Learn more about the EUDAT/FAIR Data Collaboration here.
If you are interested in having hands-on experience with EUDAT, then check out the newly online-training that will let you test EUDAT services!
Login EUDAT to search in public datasets or register as a user to upload and share your research data.
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