Global Alliance for the Future of Food : pushing more sustainable food and agriculture systems

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food (founded in 2012 as not a grant-maker) is a unique collaboration of philanthropic foundations that have come together to strategically leverage resources and knowledge, develop frameworks and pathways for change, and push the agenda for more sustainable food and agriculture systems globally. 


“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them", - A.Einstein. 

"Through leveraging shared expertise, knowledge and resources, and working together with others, positive change by taking a global systems-level approach could be achieved ... 1. Communicate the relevance - 2. Advocate for solutions - 3. Be guided by the values of: being strategic, sharing leadership, being collaborative", - The Global Alliance for the Future of Food

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is pushing the agenda on the urgent transition to more sustainable, secure and equitable food and agriculture systems globally through:

Strategic engagement : by making change through collective, engaged action that goes beyond funding. Guided by a set of shared principles and values, The Global Alliance for the Future of Food engages on multiple levels through a strategy that is about making substantive systems change.

Informed by diverse voices  : by providing space for diverse voices at the table. This means we consult, collaborate, partner and support the inclusion of people from across sectors and scales, with a particular eye to people in the field and voices that have been historically marginalized.

Built on varied evidence : The Global Alliance for the Future of Food values a broad range of knowledge and evidence, including qualitative and quantitative methodologies, built on solid research and data as well as real world experiences from diverse perspectives across sectors and scales.

In the spirit of collaboration : there are a host of other people and organizations working towards more sustainable, equitable and secure food and agriculture systems. The Global Alliance for the Future of Food works together with them to make the case, make visible key findings, and advocate for policy and systems change.

In early (1-3) May 2017 the Global Alliance for the Future brought  together 250 experts and leaders from the local to the global to gain deeper insights into the connections between climate change and food systems, to craft visions of the food systems we need today and tomorrow, and to chart potential pathways to get there. View this global conversation visiting #GAID2017








Learn more about The Global Alliance for the Future of Food HERE.

The Global Alliance does not have a centralized fund and does not accept unsolicited proposals, however several of the foundations involved in the Global Alliance have spearheaded the creation of pooled funds to connect and strengthen the work of organizations with shared interests on food system reform. For more information, please click here.

For further inquiries, please contact [email protected]

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