GODAN now offers Spanish translation of ‘Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition’ massive open online course

Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) is thrilled to announce that the Spanish translation of the GODAN Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition is now available for free and open access.
GODAN’s MOOC on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition was originally developed in 2016. The course was then delivered five times between November 2017 and November 2018. The MOOC was able to reach more than 5,000 participants representing rural communities in the Global South. The course strives to strengthen the capacity of data producers and data consumers to manage and use open data in agriculture and nutrition.
This MOOC is the result of a collaboration between GODAN Action partners, including Wageningen Environmental Research, AgroKnow, AidData, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the Land Portal, the Open Data Institute (ODI) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA).
GODAN also offered many thanks to partners at the Department of Rural and Agrifood Engineering of the University of Valencia, and translators Kirt Birson and Lucia Sofia, for their efforts in supporting the translation of the course material, making it even more openly accessible.
Access the MOOC in Spanish here.
The course is also available in English and French, with the English version DOI registered through Zenodo, in Gitbook format here.