Recorded Webinar : Using Open Data (The Open Data Institute)

The free GODAN e-learning course on Open Data and Research Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition - started on 13 November 2017 - is at the end of its second week.
The course focuses on how to deal with different types of data formats and uses, and on the importance of reliability, accessibility, interoperability and transparency of data. The course is enriched by a number of Webinars designed to strengthen the course content, and to give course participants broader perspective in the relevant Open Data areas. The second course Webinar introduced the Open Data Institute (ODI) with focus on Using Open Data. |
We would like to thank the guest webinar speaker - Dave Tarrant (*), who:
- delivered a great talk on Discovering Open Data - - Data Quality & Provenance - - Data Analysis & Visualisation - - Open Data in policy cycles - - Referencing data;
- allowed participants to create interactive environments with questions and discussions.
The session also visited some elements (Who? Where? What? When?) necessary to establish Trust in Data, presented several free power tools for cleaning data, and showed how Open Data helps every stage of the Policy Cycle.
The recording and the slides of this Webinar are now available here:
Resources & links : |
Slides (online-Slide Share) |
(*) About Dr David Tarrant - Learning Skills Lead at The ODI
David Tarrant has applied his data science skills to build policy making tools for Open Data leaders, including the Open Data Barometer visualisation which has been used to guide policy development and allow leaders to compare and contrast their Open Data initiatives with other similar initiatives globally. As Learning Skills Lead, David Tarrant is responsible for the direction and quality of the ODI's learning offering which includes face to face training, eLearning and the ODI's Learning Records System (LRS).
Follow @davetaz on Twitter
P.S. "More data is always more useful if you know what to do with it", - Data Sharing is Not Open Data (ODI)
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- Open Data Institute - Dave Tarrant
- Open Data in a Day : ODI introductory course (ODI)
- What is 'Open Data'? (ANDS)
- Open Data Essentials (The World Bank)
- Creating impact with data (CTA)
- Friday lunchtime lecture: What's the future of Open Data? (ODI)
- Open data's potential for agriculture (Syngenta)
- Why manage & share your data? (MIT)
- Data Carpentry : training covering the full lifecycle of data-driven research
- Data Management & Curation (ICPSR)
- Open Data Handbook (Open Knowledge International)