Provide Your input on key Open Data issues for Agriculture (by 31 January 2018)

State of Open data authors are looking for your insights on key open data issues for Agriculture !
Your contribution will be fed into the development of the draft State of Open Data Chapter.
"Open Data is digital data that is made available with the technical and legal characteristics necessary for it to be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone, anytime, anywhere", - Open Data Charter Principles. “Open Data can help spur inclusive economic development. For example greater access to data can make farming more efficient, or it can be used to tackle climate change”, - Explaining the Open Data Charter principles. |
State of Open Data Needs Your Help !
The State of Open Data is an ambitious research project reflecting on 10 years of action on open data and providing a critical review of the current state of the open data movement across a range of issues and thematic areas.
The State of Open Data project aspires to be as inclusive and transparent as possible. It will publish Environmental Scans (Agriculture, Education, International Aid, National statistics & Urban Development, AntiCorruption, Corporate Ownership, Crime & Justice), and a series of blogs for comment and input, and will seek active engagement from all sectors and regions.
The success of this project is dependent on the feedback get from you.
Contribute to the Environmental Scan 'OPEN DATA & AGRICULTURE'
This environment scan represents the first step in gathering information to support a review of the state of open data with regard to agriculture, and in refining the focus of a chapter. The GODAN Secretariat are leading the development of this chapter.
Contribute with your input on THE DOCUMENT 'OPEN DATA & AGRICULTURE' before 31st January 2018.
State of Open Data authors are also encouraged to refer to the Open Data Impact Map when seeking case study examples for their chapters. If you have a case study of open data impact to share, please consider submitting it to the Open Data Impact Map. |
- OPEN DATA : Looking Back, Looking Ahead
- Implement effective Open Data & Keep it alive with Open Data TOOLKIT
- License your Research Data with help of FACT SHEET on CREATIVE COMMONS & OPEN SCIENCE
- Van Schalkwyk, Francois, & Verhulst, Stefaan G. (2017). The state of open data and open data research. In The Social Dynamics of Open Data. Cape Town, South Africa: African Minds.