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  • India's NARS should accelerate Open Access

    In 1947 Jawaharlal Nehru, former Prime Minister of India said, "Everything else can wait, but not agriculture." This stands even more true today. The information of agricultural research should be disseminated quickly to all its stake holders. The India's National Agricultural Research System (NARS) which is one of the world's largest ...
  • FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE Release AgriOcean DSpace 1.0!

    AgriOcean DSpace 1.0 is now available in source code at Google Code with the option to customize the lay-out and to adapt the configuration file to local requirements. For partners with limited IT support an easy-to-install version( Windows-based) is available under Downloads on the same page. To install the software, please ...
  • AGRIS 2.1.2 is now online

    In the version 2.1.2, the AGRIS search engine has been improved as follows: The bug on search-string containing only a double quote and Solr answering with an exception has ben solved. Now when the application parses the querystring, it checks if there is only a double quote, removing it; The advanced ...
  • Register Now for the Second Global AgriKnowledge Share Fair, 27 - 29 September 2011

    The Second Global AgriKnowledge Share Fair will be an exciting and “out-of-the-box” event, offering participants creative and innovative learning and sharing opportunities, and equipping them with tools to better influence future rural development activities. This three-day event will provide a forum to learn and share knowledge, experience and innovations on ...