
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • Special newsletter issue on the repository initiative VOA3R

    AIMS published in collaboration with the VOA3R project team a second special newsletter issue on the repository initiative VOA3R. It contains news, upcoming events and dissemination activities covering last year and a short interview with Ilse A. Rasmussen, administrator of Organic Eprints at the International Centre for Research ...
  • OpenAGRIS present at OR2012

    At the 7th International Conference on Open repositories (OR2012) AIMS will present a poster on OpenAGRIS, entitled 'The OpenAGRIS (s)mashup: Using linked data and web services to augment AGRIS repository content'. Abstract The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has recently transformed its bibliographic repository, AGRIS, ...
  • Copernicus Publications: First Open Access publisher integrated into OpenAIRE

    The Open Access publisher Copernicus Publications started a collaboration with OpenAIRE with the objective of making European research results better visible. Copernicus and OpenAIRE have worked together to identify publications resulting from EC-funded projects. As a result, well over 400 publications have now been imported to the journals’ and OpenAIRE’s ...
  • LODE-BD Recommendations 2.0 available on AIMS now!

    The second beta version of the Linked Open Data-enabled Bibliographical Data (LODE-BD) Recommendations has been released and is now online available on AIMS in pdf form, please go to: LODE-BD aims to support the selection of appropriate encoding strategies for producing meaningful Linked Open Data (...
  • agINFRA at 'International Conference on Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics' in India

    The Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) in India is celebrating its 'Golden Jubilee Celebrations' and organized the 'International Conference on Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics' (ICTK-2012). This conference will take place in Bangalore, India, 10-13 July, 2012. During the 'Open stakeholders sessions' the agINFRA project will be presented by, ...