AIMS Newsletter no.64, July 2017

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This issue is pleased to provide you with a quick update on the AGRIS (International Information System For The Agricultural Science And Technology) service.

Additionally, AIMS free monthly e-newsletter highlights several mission-related initiatives and events – in Information, Knowledge and (Research) Data Management Sectors (in Agriculture and beyond) – mainstreaming impact through shared knowledge about projects, good practices, services, infrastructures, at a global level. 

Table of Contents

PREAMBLE. Great things happen when ... you have access to data ... 

There is an increasing need to develop more effective methodologies to access, manage and share information and data in more focused and efficient ways. Providing on-demand and free access to information and data - contributes to improved (research) outcomes and enhanced services, as well as influences better evidence-based policy- and decision-making results.

It is worth noting that the word “access” is one of the highly recurring words that you may encounter in Sustainable Development Goals. This means that access to data, information and resources has been focused as one of the most important means in achieving these goals by 2030.



AGRIS platform - managed by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - provides you with access to a wealth of research and technical information (and related data) on agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences, fisheries, human nutrition and extension worldwide. AGRIS offers a large collection of rich bibliographic records, indexed by AGROVOC, the FAO multilingual agricultural thesaurus

Currently,  AGRIS offers almost 9,000,000 records (produced and shared by a collaborative network of more than 350 data providers from up to 140 countries), from which almost 1,700,000 are full-text.


Hence, we kindly invite you to submit your data to AGRIS by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. (Note that AGRIS does not accept individual author contributions).

In AGRIS you can contribute either as an institutional repository - this is a case of a collection of bibliographic metadata created within a university or a research institution or a journal - or as an aggregator - i.e. an organization gathering metadata collections from many different institutional repositories. 

AGRIS receives metadata in various formats (Crossref, DOAJ (Custom), DOAJ, Endnote, MARC21, Mendeley, METS, MODS, PubMed, RSS amongst the others); the minimum elements being in AGRIS AP XML format or better. It is important to specify what metadata standard you are using when you newly submit your records to AGRIS.

Before to send us your data, please check whether the bibliographic information you would like to share with AGRIS falls in one of the main AGRIS categories

If you want to publish your data in AGRIS and your articles have never been catalogued, AgriMetamaker (AMM) is the solution.  AMM is a tool based on the Drupal CMS, to generate metadata, as easily as possible, from scratch using a simple web form and save it locally with the objective of publishing bibliographic data in the AGRIS database.

Once your data is received an acknowledgement e-mail will be sent to you !


While AGRIS users are already enjoying a number of the latest improvements happening to AGRIS search and display results, we would like to invite also you to search, export and download documents and data directly from AGRIS! Following from this, we would like to inform you that:

The default search operator for AGRIS content is now AND.

This means that the search "organophosphorus compound" returns bibliographic records that contain both the word "organophosphorus" AND "compound".

By accessing Advanced Search option,

you will be able to apply many filters and write a specific query, in order to find exactly what you are looking for!

After having accessed an AGRIS bibliographic record,

you can export metadata to different formats, access the full-text link (when available), or lookup at Google Scholar for a full-text link or additional metadata.


We are also pleased to inform you that the latest version of the AGRIS registration module has been released  and  that in the last month there were more than 1,000 new registered users!  

Registered users can bookmark and save the searches they conduct on the platform and much more
[for more information, read this blog and watch the recorded AIMS@Webinar: AGRIS: creating a user profile and exploring possibilities of AGRIS data in agricultural literature search]. 

Create your account on AGRIS Network and become part of a vibrant community of ‘action collaborators’ contributing to mobilizing and unlocking the transformative power of access to information and data for all ! AGRIS Dgroups/Network (launched in May 2017) has a great potential dynamizing impact on consolidating AGRIS activities and multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural research, as well as in accelerating and enhancing recent AGRIS sparking debates  based on AGRIS content.

The AGRIS team will continue to work on consolidating the AGRIS platform and its services to provide better access and visibility to the resources disseminated through AGRIS. If you have any suggestions on how AGRIS service could serve you better, please share your thoughts :

With other users on AGRIS Dgroups by sending an email to:

[email protected]

By contacting AGRIS Network Administrators directly at:

[email protected]

By sending specific details or queries to: 

[email protected]

Our special thanks to all AGRIS users, promoters and supporters!


@ "There is no sustainable development without shared science", -, European Commission.

@ "The UN's understanding of "public access to information" goes well beyond requiring access to what is conventionally defined as public information ... It includes, at a minimum, all information relevant to each and every one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ... and their 169 associated targets...", - Ensuring Public Access To Information: The Un’s New Global Goal.

"Data can be truly considered an asset when its accuracy is trusted, its provenance is well established, and its complete security is ensured. On the other hand, optimal utilization of data requires governance and openness", - 5 Ways Businesses Can Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture.


Below you will find a selection of news published on AIMS. The full news listing can be read HERE*. 

Collect & Connect: ORCID’s integration and engagement program 

find out more

Data Management & Permanent Access to Digital Research Resources : learning from DANS Institute

find out more

Göttingen eResearch Alliance about eResearch related questions and Data Management issues

find out more

Biology Research Network BioRN is launched : get involved !

find out more

Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020) : all about Smart, Precision and Dynamic Agriculture

find out more




BUZZWORDS are actively fragmenting into different mission-related initiatives and events mainstreaming trend impact through shared experiences and lessons learned, projects and programmes, services and infrastructures, implementation strategies and capitalization of good practices … and much more, at a global level.  

The current trends, or rather strategic thematic areas in Information-, Knowledge-, and (Research) Data Management are inextricably tied and one shouldn't take precedence over the other. 

As science becomes more data-intensive and collaborative, AIMS continues to encourage Information-, Knowledge-, and (Research) Data communities to build solutions (in mind from the outset): 

if possible


Openness is a great thing. The move toward openness in scholarly communications has expanded access to content to millions of people, speeded the advancement of science, and supported cross-border collaboration.

Policies regarding openness of data have improved interoperability and allowed new services to flourish in different communities of practice. But there can be downsides as well, which we must be mindful of as we navigate a more open future.

Note also that making science open is more that just open access to papers and data; see Open Science Monitor.

Share your story on European Data Portal about how you make use of Open Data 

where necessary

Note that on May 25th, in the year 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect; GDRP is a set of rules governing the privacy and security of personal data/Personally Identifiable Information, PII and other elements.

whenever possible


FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

Note that FAIR Data Principles do not require researchers to share all their data without any restrictions. Rather they advocate applying a standard procedure when sharing research data for reuse, so that humans and computer systems can easily find, interpret and use them under clearly defined conditions.

A good starting point to approximate such a vision would be the development of a clear strategy oriented primarily towards strengthen capacities in support of interactive sharing and management of knowledge about:

Fundamentals of (Research) Data Governance:

* What data do we have?
* Where is that data located?
* Is data machine-readable? 
* Is data FAIR?
* How is that data stored (archived)
* What systems are using that data and for what purposes? 
* Does the data use meet all regulatory (and other) requirements? 
* Is data consistent and unambiguous ? ... When data is of excellent quality, it can be easily processed and analyzed, leading to insights that help the organization make better decisions.

Fostering learning in (Research) Data Management and Data Science:

# Recorded webinars from:

# Free online cources from:

# Free guides/recommendations from:

# Take a look at a range of resources cited in the June 2017 AIMS Newsletter that might be useful to explore futher (Research) Data Management issues.

With the growing interest in (Research) Data Management, library professionals are committing themselves to a program of continual growth while carving out new roles for themselves (as data managers, data curators) on campus to help researchers respond (with appropriate services, tools and knowledge) to a growing demand to manage, store, curate and preserve the data produced. 

(Research) Data Management &






(Research) Data Management &
Library services  


running a global awareness-raising and advocacy campaign aiming to put core trends in Information-, Knowledge- and Data Management Sectors at the centre of the adaptation agenda at international level. 
So be invited to get the story told ... 

[filtertered through AIMS core topics]

[ongoing; July 2017]

Research Data Management

@ The EUDAT & Research Data Management Summer School, taking place from 3 to 7 July 2017, is a unique occasion for early-career data scientists and data managers interested in furthering their careers in data management, data science and digital preservation.

FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute (FSCI) is a week long intensive Summer Scholl on improving your Research Communication , San Diego, 31 July - 4 August

Open and 

e-Forum discussion on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition; open till 14 July 2017
Join the forum now and share your ideas, comments, concerns or questions

@ LIBER Annual Conference Libraries Powering Sustainable Knowledge in the Digital Age, University of Patras, 5 -7 July 2017

@ Free Webinar@e-Agriculture presenting the Agricultural Open Data Package, 10 July 2017 (at 10 AM CEST and 4PM CEST)

e-Forum discussion on the Agricultural Open Data Package – AgPack, 10 - 24 July 2017

@ The International Symposium on Open Data and Innovation: Vision and Practice, Beijing, China, 12-15 July, 2017

@ African Open Data Conference (AODC) Unleashing the Potential of Open DataUnleashing the Potential of Open Data, Accra, Ghana, 17-21 July, 2017

Capacity Development  
e-Technologies in Education 

World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE) 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 3 - 6 July, 2017

15th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, 8 - 11 July 2017

International Distance Education Conference, Berlin, Germany, 17 - 19 July 2017

International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education, Lodz, Poland,18 - 20 July 2017

FAO Capacity Development: Learning Materials, Learning Courses, Practical Tools, E-Learning Centre.

Digital Preservation

@ 6th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, Hamamatsu, Japan, July 9-13, 2017 

@ Training Course: Getting Started with Digital Preservation - Durham, 20 July 2017


@ Free Webinar@AIMS : VocBench3: some insights on the forthcoming release of the third edition of the VocBench platform, 5 July,  15.00 / 3.00 p.m. Rome Time (CEST Conversion to other Timezones)

@ The 13th Reasoning Web Summer School “Semantic Interoperability on the Web”, London, 7 - 11, 2017

@ Workshop on Ontology & Semantic Web for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research, Lecce, Italy, 11-14 July, 2017

Communication Technology and Applications

Big Data 

Cloud services

Data Mining

Internet of Things


@ 2017 Geo4Africa Summit: Drones for Surveying and Agricultural Advisory Services: Kampala, Central Region, Uganda, 11 -14 July 2017

5th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2017, Orlando, Florida, USA, 8 - 11 July 2017

@ International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence. Lisbon, Portugal,  21-23 July, 2017

Free FAO e-learning course : "Communication for Rural Development"


The FAO Family Farming Knowledge Platform gathers digitized quality information on family farming from all over the world; including national laws and regulations, public policies, best practices, relevant data and statistics, researches, articles and publications related to family farming issues. 
Interested entities such as Research Organizations, Universities, Non-Governmental Organizations, Development Agencies and Farmers’ Organizations, can register to become a FFKP regular contributor.

The FAO Strategic Programme articulates a policy vision for the contribution of food and agriculture to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for bold, transformational change to achieve a world that is more inclusive, fair, sustainable and resilient – a world free of hunger and extreme poverty, a world that protects and promotes sustainable use of biodiversity and all natural resources for development, a world that is more just, a world at peace. 

The new European Interoperability Framework (EIF) is part of the Communication (COM(2017)134) from the European Commission that offers public administrations 47 concrete recommendations on how to improve governance of their interoperability activities, establish cross-organisational relationships, streamline processes supporting end-to-end digital services, and ensure that both existing and new legislation do not compromise interoperability efforts. 

Maps and analytical reports produced by UNOSAT (UNITAR’s Operational Satellite Applications Programme) in support of international humanitarian assistance operations to respond to crises caused by natural disasters, conflict and other complex emergencies. 
The UNOSAT Flood Portal provides free access to satellite-derived flood data in GIS vector format. The portal includes data for flood events occurring since 2007 for which UNOSAT did satellite image analysis. 

The Global Nutrition and Policy Consortium collects and evaluates dietary data from countries worldwide, then translates these data into policy and interventions to improve global health, particularly in poor and vulnerable populations.

Dietary Data by Country
Dietary Age Trends by Country
Dietary Data by Region
Country Comparisons

Have you already explored FutureTDM Knowledge Base? It showcases structured collections of resources on Text and Data Mining (TDM) that has been gathered throughout the FutureTDM project phase. The collections encompass experts as projects or organisations focusing on TDM, as well as technologies and resources that are useful for TDM practitioners (i.e. TDM methods and TDM tools).

Global Pulse is a United Nations innovation initiative explores how new, digital data sources and real-time analytics technologies can provide a better understanding of changes in human well-being and emerging vulnerabilities. However, legitimate concerns about privacy and data protection present challenges to harnessing Big Data sets for public benefit.
In consultation with privacy experts, Global Pulse has developed a set of Privacy Principles.


Watch the video recordings of the presentations from the 2017 University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium:
“Libraries in Data Science: Addressing Gaps and Bridges” on the New England Region eScience Program YouTube page 

Browse United Nations Sustainable Development Videos by issues :  Biodiversity, forests, desertification - Climate change - Education - Energy Health - Hunger and food security Oceans Poverty - Sustainable consumption and production - Sustainable development agenda - Water and sanitation ...

Watch the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition GODAN Webinar series and 
GODAN Documentary web series (created with farmOS: open source web-based application for farm management, planning, and record keeping). 

GODAN supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable.

About Data Management in the Life Sciences. Lecture with Niclas Jareborg.

The Life Science research area has seen an explosive growth of data output in recent years. This puts new demands on researchers for proper data management and makes pertinent the need for e-Infrastructures to support these processes.

Data Explained from the Crowdsourcing Data Analysis.
Interested in how analytic choices affect research results? Interested in the role of gender in scientific debates? Do you know how to analyse data using R? Join the project Crowdsourcing Data Analysis 2: Science, Gender, and Status as an analyst and co-author for the second phase of the project crowdsourcing the analysis of a dataset on gender, status, and science. 

Let us know (at [email protected]about  high-quality videos created by organizations highlighting thematic areas relevant to information management (Open Data, Open Access, Open Science, Big Data, interoperability issues, FAIR data etc.), agriculture,  forestry, fisheries and related themes (food security, land use, environment, etc.). 


Questions and Answers - Data protection reform package; European Commission Portal, 2017

Towards an open government data ecosystem in Europe using common standards, by  Wendy Carrara, Makx Dekkers, Benjamin Dittwald, et al.; European Commission, 2017

What I learned from predatory publishers, by Jeffrey Beall, Biochemia Medica 2017

A Guide to SDG interactions: from Science to Implementation, the ICSU report (May, 2017). The report offers a blueprint to help countries implement and achieve the 17 goals and the 169 targets that sit underneath them

NISO Releases Draft Technical Report, Issues in Vocabulary Management, for Public Comment (from June 19 to July 19, 2017)

H2020 Programme Guidelines to the Rules on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Open Access to Research Data in Horizon 2020, 2017

The Annual European Business School Librarians Group (EBSLG) conference 2017 papers

A Comprehensive Overview of investments and Human Resource Capacity in African Agricultural Research, by Nienke Beintema and Gert-Jan Stads, International Food Policy Research Institute.

Tim Berners-Lee: I invented the web. Here are three things we need to change to save it, The Guardian, 2017


E-LIS (Eprints in Library and Information Science) open repository 

F1000Research OKAD (Open Knowledge in Agricultural Development) channel 

F1000Research GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition) channel 

Research4life AGORA (Access to Global Online Research on Agriculture) channel 
[What you need to know about AGORA]

* To receive automatically alerts about AIMS news in your mail-box :  (1) Become AIMS member (2) Sign up (3) click ‘My Page’ (4) click ‘Manage my subscriptions’ (4) check on topics of your interest.

The scope of the AIMS Newsletter is to bring under the attention of the AIMS community recent news, events and achievements in the field of (agricultural) information and data management.
If you have any contribution, suggestion, or need assistance with the newsletter, please contact us at 
[email protected].
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