

  • Registration for the 4th IAALD Africa Conference is Open

    The 4th IAALD Africa Conference will provide a platform for agricultural information and knowledge specialists in Africa to discuss and strategize their contributions to the global 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the African Union's Agenda 2063, focusing on the conference theme and sub-themes (***). Authors are kindly requested to observe these guidelines for ...
  • Use COAR Controlled Vocabularies to enhance the Interoperability across repositories and with other related systems

    Image source: COAR Controlled Vocabularies INFOGRAPHIC Did you know that COAR Vocabularies on Access Rights and Resource Types are already referenced in the updated OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers and OpenAIRE Guidelines (v.4) for Literature Repository Managers?   Moreover, COAR Controlled Vocabularies INFOGRAPHIC (EN) is now also available in Spanish (ES) ...
  • EarthArXiv : a Preprint service for the Earth Sciences

    In 2017, the Center for Open Science (COS) and EarthArXiv launched a new preprint service, called EarthArXiv which provides free, open access, open source archives for the earth sciences. In particular :  EarthArXiv is …… comprised of 100+ international volunteers who share an interest in open, reproducible science. The name EarthArXiv is intentionally vague ...
  • AGORA free Online Course took place again at the beginning of 2018 !

    AGORA team started the year with the AGORA online course entitled “Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture”.The course was run first time in October 2017. Applicants who were placed in January 2018 group in the first call took the AGORA free online course from 29th ...
  • Make FAIR your Datasets using Springer Nature RESEARCH DATA SUPPORT

    RESEACRH DATA SUPPORT is an optional Springer Nature service available (starting 23 January, 2018) to researchers who have datasets they want to share, and make citable and findable. The final goal is to help researchers, institutions and funders make progress towards Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data. "Extending Research Data Support ...