

  • AGRIS 2.1 Released

    The new AGRIS 2.1 has been released. The major improvement of the new AGRIS version is the autocomplete widget, which provides suggestions when users type information into the search box. Terms suggested come from the AGROVOC thesaurus. Additionally, some bugs have been fixed: the Google map in the result page now ...
  • The LODE Recommendations v.1.0

    The LODE Recommendations v.1.0 is ready to be distributed among a selected group of external advisors for feedback. The call for comments is open until the end of April when the LODE Recommendations v. 1.0 will be published on AIMS as an e-handbook based on all the feedback received. Any comments ...
  • Skyping with Iryna Kuchma (eIFL)

    Date: 10th March 2011Attendants: Imma Subirats & Iryna KuchmaObjective: to discuss possible lines of cooperation between OEKCS and eIFL with regard to open acces activitiesOutputs:1.) Iryna Kuchma presented the project Open Repository Handbook carried out by eIFL and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) .  The Open Repository Handbook should be an online ...
  • FAO Country Profiles Newsletter No. 06

    The 6th newsletter of the FAO Country Profiles is now available. It includes an article on 'Embracing the W3C Linked Open Data initiative' emphasizing the recent release of the Geopolitical Ontology in RDF format. This issue features the latest list of Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries and also unveils the top 5 ...
  • FAO Geopolitical Ontology in RDF-LOD version

    The FAO Country Profiles portal is embracing the W3C Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative and recently released its Geopolitical Ontology in RDF format, including reference data used to manage country-based information and relevant key resources. The portal is also exposing some data in RDFa, which improves search and reuse....