

  • 第二次征集论文 – 第3届国际元数据和语义研究大会(MTSR'09)

    第二次征集论文 Special Track on Metadata and Semantics for Agriculture, Food & Environment3rd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'09) Milan, Italy, September 30 – October 2, 2009 aim of the Special Track on Metadata and Semantics for Agriculture, Food & Environment of MTSR’09 is to bring together researchers and ...
  • 征集论文:国际数字化图书馆和语义网站大会(ICSD 2009)

      ICSD解决两个主要问题: (1)数字化图书馆如何支持语义网站的功能性?…. (2) How can Semantic Web technology improve digital libraries? Ultimately the goal is an environment in which all functionality is available to the user without the perception of different systems or system boundaries. Contributions are sought that address one or both of the main questions or steps towards the ultimate ...
  • 美洲图书馆员和农业信息专家第XV次会议

    “农业和环境信息开放式获取技术创新”,秘鲁,国家图书馆,利马,2009年10月27,28和29日   CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERSThe Inter-American Association of Librarians and Agricultural Information Specialists, is pleased to invite all the professionals related to the management of agricultural and environment information, to participate in the fifteenth Edition of the Inter-American Meeting for Librarians and Agricultural Information Specialists Meeting to be held at ...
  • AGROVOC Concept Server Workbench Verification Phase - Final Report available

    The final report (incl. the list of participants) of the AGROVOC CS Workbench Verification Phase which took place from 17 November to 12 December 2008 is now available at: report is based on the feedback received from 17 participants from 15 countries through ...