Open access to EC funded research: Who should deposit?

The European Commission has two policies on Open Access in practice with the aim of ensuring that research results funded by the EU citizen are made available to the population at large for free.

  • In December 2007, the ERC Scientific Council published Guidelines for Open Access
  • In August 2008, the European Commission launched the Open Access Pilot in FP7 with the scope of providing open access to articles resulting from research funded in areas participating in the pilot.

Researchers required to provide open access to EC funded research

These initiatives require that the researcher provides open access to articles resulting from EC funded research, within a specified time period. This has resulted since August 2008 in the following numbers in our area:

Who should deposit?

If you are a grant recipient from ERC or from FP7 you are required to deposit your publications. For guidelines on what to publish, where and when, visit:

On the OpenAIRE website you can can search your institution to find out in which open access repository you should deposit your publications.

For researchers that do not have access to an institutional or discipline-specific repository, the OpenAIRE Orphan Repository was set-up.

The OpenAIRE project: implementing Open Access in Europe

The objective of OpenAIRE, a three-year project, is to support the implementation of then Open Access in Europe. It provides the means to promote  and realize the adoption of the Open Access Policy and the Open Access pilot. It will provide an extensive  European Helpdesk System, based on a distributed network of national and regional liaison offices in 27 countries, to ensure localized help to researchers within their own context. It will build an OpenAIRE portal and e-Infrastructure for the repository networks and explore scientific data management services together with 5 disciplinary communities.