
You can search in the AIMS website archive about news related to any topic about AIMS.

  • AIMS Resources

    Statistics Documentation New menu taxonomy New AIMS layout (mock-up) Responsabilities and TimePlan (in progress) Previous documentation \\kcew118\pwb\222P7\222p7.006\222P7.006.404-clearinghouse\New-AIMS-website\documentation
  • Tests on best ways to integrate Agrovoc concepts into Drupal for browsing Agrovoc

    Final objective of the tests: providing an intelligent search / browse interface for Agrovoc in Drupal based on the Agrovoc RDF (SKOS) version. A basic idea of the search / browse functionalities can be given by the "Search", "Alphabetical browse" and "Hierarchy" functions in AIMS: ...
  • The weekly spotlight

    Continuing with the revision of the content and dissemination of info in AIMS, a new element has been introduced in the homepage: the Weekly spotlight. The aim is to promote any particular aspect that may be of interest to the AIMS community and in turn provide ...
  • List of Upcoming Events on Agricultural Information Management Standards

      Hi all, We are thinking of upgrading the content and format of the list of events available in AIMS. In practice the proposal aims to provide means for the updating and maintenance of the list based on: New information sources Some changes on the Layout Dissemination of the Service The ...
  • e-Learning Course on Social Media Tools - Register Now!

    In the framework of their collaboration aiming to jointly develop a series of learning programmes in the field of knowledge management, UNITAR and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are developing the course Innovative Collaboration for Development, an e-learning course on social media tools. The course focuses on capacitating development ...