Learning, Advocating, Training: Push yourself and reach your potential with supportive FAO Capacity Development resources

Do you need more guidance in Learning, Advocating, and Training?
The good news is that you can get it from FAO Capacity Development learning modules freely accessible on the FAO Capacity Development Portal:
These four Capacity Development learning modules :
provide useful and insightful learning material for people engaged in Capacity Development activities at country level, as well as concrete information (rich with tools for practitioners) on how to implement FAO’s approach to CD.
The terms 'Capacity building' and 'Capacity development' (CD) are used in numerous contexts to describe a wide array of activities. In the most general terms, capacity consists of a party's ability to solve its problems and achieve its objectives, while CD aims to strengthen parties' ability to work together for their mutual benefit by providing them with the skills and tools they need to define problems and issues and formulate solutions (ability to solve problems is more important that the problem itself).
The above cited FAO’s LEARNING MODULES (LM) FOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT define CD as a long-term process that builds gradually around target AUDIENCE needs, CLEAR OBJECTIVES and PATTERNS to BE UNFOLD incrementally across three CD dimensions or levels where an endogenous STRENGTHENING of existing CAPACITIES and assets occurs. |
According to the FAO’s CD methodology, CD has multiple-level approach, which takes place across three overlapping and interdependent levels:
- ENABLING ENVIRONMENT (the context in which individuals and organizations put their capabilities into action, and where CD processes take place).
Each of these three dimensions works interdependently with the others and influences the overall impact of a CD intervention. A multiple-level approach takes into account the relationships between these dimensions and allows for the possibility that the root cause of weak capacity at one level may be found at a different level.
CD requires a holistic perspective, analytical view, continuing assessment and follow-up, and well-crafted external support. While planning CD activities strategically, it is also important to take into account appropriate TIMING, DURATION, and MODALITIES on the CD support.
An FAO-specific tool for Assessing Capacities at the levels of Individuals, Organizations and Enabling environment could be very useful for the assessment purpose. |
In all cases, the assessment approach/process will help in defining a baseline of existing capacities for more:
- conducive enabling environment,
- effective programme instruments,
- systematic knowledge and information exchange,
- fostered coalition and networks.
Assessing CD processes is one of the key areas for learning based on well-defined CD objectives and needs, delivered activities, results and indicators. The assessment process per se is as important as the “product” of the assessment and should be seen as a learning and relationship building experience. CD assessment can help planning, design implementation, reflecting on outcomes of actions, moving better towards a vision and transformation, monitoring of future CD activities on an ongoing basis.
The definition of CD adopted in the FAO Corporate Strategy on Capacity Development is “process whereby people, organizations and society as a whole unleash, strengthen, create, adapt and maintain capacity over time”. CD is a process of learning and change that countries lead to achieve their development goals. CD requires participatory capacity assessments to help put CD on the agenda and encourage dialogue with national stakeholders in a structured way.
CD is not a technical process, quickly solved by transfer of knowledge, skills or organizational models. It needs long-term commitment based on trustful relationships and the willingness to co-create processes. This recognition drives the process of moving from small projects towards programmes, which provide the “space” for long-term engagement with a clear orientation towards intended outcomes and impacts.
There is often neither linearity nor predictability in the unfolding of CD processes, because CD emerges from the interplay of several factors and their interaction with the context. Against this backdrop, CD can be seen as an evolutionary process in which the strengthening of individual and organizational capacities influence one another and the enabling environment in a self-reinforcing loop. CD is a long-term process that builds gradually and incrementally across dimensions, and that requires continued follow-up and well-crafted external support.
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- ability to interact on an equal footing with people/parties;
- ability to help parties identify their priorities;
- ability to engage personally and to satisfy personal knowledge needs;
- ability to listen, to be questioned and probed;
- ability to negotiate the most appropriate and realistic options;
- solid technical competences and management skills;
- commitment and involvement in the development and implementation of improved, enriched, enhanced activities and programmes enabling continuous learning and knowledge sharing.
- Trainer's Manual: Facilitating CAPACITY Needs Assessment
- Research4Life TRAINING Materials : Be an advocate for the quality research in agriculture, health, environment, law, development and innovation!
- CGIAR Capacity Building & other Efforts to Improve Food and Nutrition Security...The inside story
- CDAIS : Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems Project
- E-Consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting farmers (FAO e-Agriculture)
GODAN e-learning course on Open Data & Research Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN)
- The OPEN SCIENCE Training Handbook (FOSTER)
- Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) Online Course for Low-Income Countries (AIMS FAO)
- AGORA Online Course : Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AIMS FAO)
- The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is offering free general courses on 'Intellectual Property' and allied areas
- Towards Open Educational Resources (openly licensed & in open formats). OER materials are expected to be freely shared with “5R permissions”— they can be Retained, Reused, Revised, Remixed, and Redistributed.
OER IN STATE CURRICULUM: New America and CCSSO released (May 2018) Navigating the New Curriculum Landscape: How States are Using and Sharing Open Educational Resources, a report that looks at a range of innovative ways states are using OER to meet curriculum and instructional materials needs, as technology continues permeating through classrooms nationwide. A few key takeaways: (1) Integrate OER Initiatives Within State Curriculum Work; (2) Adapt, Improve, and Share, Rather Than Start From Scratch; (3) Identify Sustainable Funding
Accessibility and inclusive design in the context of OER (Open Learn Create)
Accessibility Toolkit (by BC Campus) provides the resources needed so that each content creator, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, teaching assistant, etc. has the opportunity to create a truly open and accessible textbook
Open Educational Resources: the future of Education, co-created with You
How To Create Effective and Engaging eLearning (recorded webinar, LAMBDA Solutions)
Inclusive Learning Design Handbook (part of Floe project) is a free Open Educational Resource (OER) designed to assist teachers, content creators, Web developers, and others in creating adaptable and personalizable educational resources that can accommodate a diversity of learning styles and individual needs
LRMI metadata = Learning resource metadata initiative developed with backing from Creative Commons to make sure that it could be used with OERs. It doesn't address courses, but that has been remedied within schema.org with the LRMI-backed schema course extend project, and Google provide some guidance on how describe courses in schema.org
WGU OER Accessibility Checklist by Western Governors University Instructional Design Team
- OER Accessibility Toolkit : accessibility for Open Education
- Electronic Thesis & Dissertation ETD+ TOOLKIT : in-time advice about avoiding common digital loss scenarios for the ETD
- Marking Open Policy Milestones in the U.S. and Brazil. Open Education. By Nicole Allen, SPARC, May 22, 2018 news
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- Capitalization of Experiences for Greater Impact in Rural Development
- Using DGroups to bring together a global community of purpose
- RUFORUM's initiatives foster high-quality research and training in the agricultural sciences in Africa
- FAO's of the UN free ToolKit & E-learning modules on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture & Food systems
- Strengthening land administration and capacities for effective land use management throughout the country (FAO of the UN)
- CGIAR Capacity Building & other Efforts to Improve Food and Nutrition Security...The inside story
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