Join the Community

The AIMS community encompasses different types of professionals related to food and agricultural information and data management such as technicians, librarians, data managers, information management specialists, policy makers and semantic experts.

AIMS community members have access to the knowledge sharing platform that provides a space for members to communicate and share relevant projects, best practices, learning opportunities, events and new ideas. Community members also receive regular updates about relevant news, events, stakeholder information and more through monthly newsletters, interviews with AIMS community members, publications and free webinars.

Anyone interested in being involved in the community can register at and/or join the AIMS News DGroup at

4986 Members
  • madhukara M

    library and information science
    • India
  • Madison Welch

    Cleaners Cleaning
    (Marketing Expert)
    • United Kingdom
  • Madji Magloire

    • Chad
  • maeen abduljalil

    Yemen feild epidemology training program
    • Yemen
  • Magdalena Scheuch

    FIBL Austria
    (scientific researcher)
    • Austria
  • Magdalena Wallman

    SIK - Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
    (LCA of agricultural products expert)
    • Sweden
  • Magdalena L.

    Instituto de Investigaciones de Ingeniería Agrícola (IAGRIC)
    • Cuba
  • Magdi Saif

    • Yemen
  • Magdi Latif

    FAO of the UN
    (Knowledge and Information Management Officer)
    • Egypt
  • Mahamadou MAIGA

    Initiative Mondiale d'Appui au Développement Local (IMADEL)
    (Head of office)
    • Mali
  • Mahdiannoor -

    Rawa Sains; Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai
    (Chief Editor & Manager)
    • Indonesia
  • maher mousa

    agricultre department in latakia
    (agricultre engineer in guidance service)
    • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Maher Sulima

    Damascus university
    (Professor )
    • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Maher Sulima

    Damascus university
    • India
    • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Mahesh Patil

    Kisan Online TV
    • India