FAIRsFAIR to host ‘Common Minimum Metadata for Semantic Artefact’ workshop on 4 June 2021

FAIRsFAIR - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe - is set to host a workshop called ‘Common Minimum Metadata for Semantic Artefact’ on 4 June 2021. During the workshop, FAIRsFAIR will present their initial Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) extension to Semantic Artefacts (SA) experts and define a minimum set of key metadata elements to make SA FAIR.
FAIRsFAIR is inviting ontologists, knowledge engineers and semantic repository owners and developers. They will help to determine and define this element of the FAIR Semantics recommendations.
More information about the workshop is available here. Registration details are available here.
More about FAIRsFAIR - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe -
FAIRsFAIR - Fostering Fair Data Practices in Europe - aims to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle. Emphasis is on fostering FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR. FAIRsFAIR will play a key role in the development of global standards for FAIR certification of repositories and the data within them contributing to those policies and practices that will turn the EOSC programme into a functioning infrastructure.