Open Education Week (March 4-8, 2019). Submit Your Entry & Celebrate the global Open Education Movement!
In 2018, over 2,500 participants from 98 countries contributed to Open Education Week... We are now very excited that Open Education Week 2019 is LESS that one MONTH from TODAY!
The #OEWeek (4 - 8 March) 2019 is coordinated by the Open Education Consortium, an association of organizations from around the world that are committed to making education more open, free, and available to everyone. During this week, universities, colleges, schools and other educational organizations showcase what they’re doing to advance open education, - @OEWeek |
Submit Your entry today (deadline February 25th, 2019) and bring even more life to the upcoming exciting global Open Education Week events!
Open Education (OE) encompasses resources, tools and practices that employ a framework of open sharing to improve educational access and effectiveness worldwide.
OE combines the traditions of knowledge sharing and creation with 21st century technology to create a vast pool of openly shared educational resources, while harnessing today’s collaborative spirit to develop educational approaches that are more responsive to learner’s needs.
By providing free & open access to education and knowledge, OE helps create a world to support learning. All interested parties can get additional information, viewpoints and materials to help them succeed, share data and develop new networks, find new ways to (help) learn.
OE resources can be translated, mixed together, broken apart and openly shared again, increasing access and inviting fresh approaches.
There are many ways you can contribute to the Open Education Week.
Consider hosting one or more the following events and have it/them featured by
Submitting Your entry today (deadline February 25th, 2019): |
- Workshop;
- Mini-conference/forum on open education;
- Webinars;
- Online discussions.
Submit resources - with at least permission to re-use and modify (such as CC-BY or CC-BY-SA) - in any language and format.
Informational resources can be documents, repositories, research materials, newsletters, slide presentations, links or blogs!
Email at [email protected] to get your contribution promoted in the fastest way! |
Videos - featuring open education projects, presenting short messages about open education and open practices, or providing how-to tutorials on aspects of open education - are also welcomed! Please upload your video to your preferred platform, such as Vimeo or YouTube and send the URL using the OEW Submission Form no later than February 25th, 2019.
You are welcome to submit multiple resources or events; please fill out one form for each contribution: Submit Your entry today!
For more details on WHY/WHAT/HOW to PROMOTE BETTER YOUR EVENT, please check
- Check Open Science Framework, Open Assessment Technologies (TAO) and other Projects & Resources to get inspired!
- By making Your Voice heard, You will bring even more life to the upcoming exciting Open Data Day 2019 (2 March) events!
- Free E-learning Module: Finding Research Data (The Library of the Wageningen University)
- EDX e-course: Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World : Explore ways to apply Open Science principles to academic work - including your own. Learn how to share your research effectively and responsibly, building greater visibility and impact
- Free Open Science TRAINING e-courses (FOSTER)
- The OPEN SCIENCE Training Handbook (FOSTER)
- Free Open Science MOOC : enroll & catch up with developments in Open Science across the world
- A list of training opportunities/resources on Research Data Management compiled by the US/RDA Education Effort
- Registries for Open Data Repositories, Institutional Repositories, Policies, Journals
- Search for Open Content with help of simple Tutorials created by OER Africa
- Registries for Open Data Repositories, Institutional Repositories, Policies, Journals
- Towards meeting the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) quality criteria in the global South
- ROAD: the Directory of Open Access Scholarly resources
- Search Engines for Academic Research resources (with helpful links)
- Adoption and Impact of Open Education Resources (OER) in the Global South
- The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project was proposed to investigate in what ways and under what circumstances the adoption of open educational resources (OER) could address the increasing demand for accessible, relevant, high-quality and affordable education in the Global South
- Join the Creative Comons (CC) Open Education Platform
You are invited to Sign up for AIMS News, follow @AIMS_Community on Twitter... And, thanks again for your interest!