On 11 December 2017, the OECD released an OECD Global Science Forum and CODATA Report on Business Models for Sustainable Research Data Repositories
- Keywords: Open science, Research, Data, Business models, Repositories, Sustainability, Open Data
There is a large variety of repositories that are responsible for providing long term access to data that is used for research.
As data volumes and the demands for more open access to this data increase, these repositories are coming under increasing financial pressures that can undermine their long-term sustainability.
This report explores the income streams, costs, value propositions, and business models for 48 research data repositories.
It includes a set of recommendations designed to provide a framework for developing sustainable business models and to assist policy makers and funders in supporting repositories with a balance of policy regulation and incentives.
A second OECD Global Science Forum and WDS Report on "Coordination and Support of International Research Data Networks" (2017)
Knowledge Exchange Report: About Federated Research Data Infrastructures (FRDI, ZBWMediatalk, 2017)
Income Streams for Data Repositories (2017) - RDA/WDS Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres IG
Göttingen-CODATA RDM Symposium 18-20 March, 2018. Call for Papers DEADLINE for Call for abstracts and other contributions ! 22 DECEMBER 2017 |
Invitation to the INTEREST GROUP in AGRICULTURAL DATA (IGAD) RDA Pre-Meeting P11 “The FAIR principles to all elements of the research process in agricultural sciences and related disciplines" (19-20 March, 2018, Berlin, Germany). Proposals are invited by 19 January 2018 |
SciDataCon 2018: The Digital Frontiers of Global Science. SciDataCon 2018 will take place as an integrated part of International Data Week, 5-8 November 2018, in Gaborone, Botswana. Proposals are invited (by 2 February 2018). |
LIBER, within the framework of the European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot), is organising the workshop (19 February 2017) : “How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud” during the IDCC18 Conference to take place in Barcelona 19-22 February 2018 |
FAIR Webinar series : #1 Findable #2 Accessible #3 Interoperable #4 Reusable (recorded ANDS webinars) |
3 March 2018 : Open Data Day : You are invited ! Get inspired ! |
Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group (2017) |
Join School of Data : a global network committed to advancing Data Literacy |
ORCID : Connecting Research & Researchers : Distinguish Yourself in Three Easy Steps |
Open Science - Altmetrics and Rewards - Incentives and Rewards to engage in Open Science Activities |
Scholarly Communication, Digital Skills & Services and Research Infrastructure : LIBER Strategy (2018-2022) |
Data Refuge on support of Climate and Environmental research & advocacy |