
Vous pouvez rechercher dans les archives du site web AIMS des articles sur tous les sujets liés aux AIMS.

  • 18 - 20 March 2018: Göttingen-CODATA Research Data Management Symposium 2018

    Proposals have been submitted against the following themes:Solutions (long papers)Strategy (long papers)Structure, organisational (long papers)Success (short papers)Skills and Support (short papers)Stitch ’n’ Bitch / Steam, letting off… / Sticking Points / Success and its Shadow (short papers)Sustainability (short papers)Shared and Outsourced Services (short papers)Service ...
  • 22 January : Deadline for Team registration for Prague INSPIRE Hack 2018

    You are invited to join the Prague INSPIRE Hackatone and to try together with others demonstrate possibilities of Use of Big and Open Data and Open Source in real life application focused mainly on rural regions.PARTICIPATIONThe main objective of the Prague INSPIRE Hack is to create a meeting place ...
  • Invitation to the INTEREST GROUP in AGRICULTURAL DATA (IGAD) Pre-Meeting P11

    Dear Participant !On behalf of the Research Data Alliance - INTEREST GROUP ON AGRICULTURAL DATA (IGAD), we are pleased to invite you to the IGAD Pre-conference meeting that will be held on March 19-20, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The event will take place before the 11th RDA Plenary Meeting, March 21-23, 2018....
  • Digital Preservation DECLARATION of Shared Values : Open for Comments !

    Digital Preservation combines policies, strategies, and actions that ensure access to digital content over time. When successful, digital preservation results in a cumulative record of human action and memory. The digital preservation landscape is one of a multitude of choices that vary widely in terms of purpose, scale, cost, and ...