
يمكن البحث في أرشيف موقع بوابة معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية عن الأخبار المتعلقة بأي موضوع حول معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية.

  • Reaching out to Low-Income Countries through ASIRA Online Course

     (Image credit: Max Pixel : Creative Commons Zero - CC0)From 13th February to 10th March 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered the Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) online course in collaboration with Research4Life. The main goal of this course  is to ...
  • World Water Day : on 22 March every year! Discover, learn and share!

     (Source: http://www.unwater.org/)World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about taking action to tackle the water crisis. Visit the UN-Water Activity Information System - an online platform presenting and sharing information on water-related projects and learning initiatives from UN-Water's Members and Partners (FAO of the UN ...
  • 21 March : International Day of Forests. Tune in!

     (Source: FAO - International Day of Forests)Wood is considered humankind’s very first source of energy. Today it is still the most important single source of renewable energy providing about 6% of the global total primary energy supply. More than two billion people depend on wood energy for cooking and/...
  • Recording of the past webinar: GODAN WG on Capacity Development

    The first GODAN webinar (15 March, 2017) gave an overview of  the activities of the GODAN Working Group (WG) on Capacity Development and explained how you can get involved. Webinar recording is now available online. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Take the most out of the past GODAN webinar as its recording is now available online HERE....