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  • Are the FAIR Data Principles Fair? Webinar recording is now available online

     How can libraries help their research communities implement the FAIR principles? And write better data management plans (DMPs)?  The adoption of FAIR principles within the H2020 funding programme means researchers now have to pay much more attention to how their share, publish and archive their data.___________________________________________________________________________________________________Recently, Europe's main association ...
  • Join us at RDA-Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) meeting!

      (Photo from IGAD Pre-Meeting in Tokyo, Japan, during the RDA P7)The preparations for the IGAD pre-meeting , held on 3-4 April, 2017, in Barcelona – before 9th RDA Plenary Meeting - are in high gear. During the IGAD special event, several IGAD Discussion and Working Groups will present their results on past ...
  • Capitalization of Experiences for Greater Impact in Rural Development

    The Capitalization of Experiences for Greater Impact in Rural Development project  aims to facilitate the adoption of an experience capitalization process in rural development initiatives, where it can help improve the analysis, documentation, sharing, and the adoption and use of lessons and good practices – as an approach for continuous learning, ...
  • Reaching out to Low-Income Countries through ASIRA Online Course

     (Image credit: Max Pixel : Creative Commons Zero - CC0)From 13th February to 10th March 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered the Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) online course in collaboration with Research4Life. The main goal of this course  is to ...