
يمكن البحث في أرشيف موقع بوابة معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية عن الأخبار المتعلقة بأي موضوع حول معايير إدارة المعلومات الزراعية.

  • [New Publication] Inventory of fisheries resources and systems

    This document contains the results achieved in documenting and detailing a set of fisheries information systems and resources for the purposes of ontology experimentation by NeOn partners, and for the use of the work package seven case study.
  • [New Publication] User Requirements for the Fisheries Stock Depletion Alert System

    This document describes the user requirements for the fisheries ontologies lifecycle, related knowledge tools and fisheries stock depletion alert system. The document provides an overview of the Work package 7 (Chapter 1), and of the fisheries domain and data (Chapter 2). It introduces the Ontology-based Fisheries Stock Depletion Alert System components (Chapter 3), and ...
  • [New Publication] A distributed architecture for harvesting metadata describing organizations in the agriculture sector

    Providing easy access to updated, accurate and semantically meaningful information about organizations working in the agriculture sector is of primary importance in agricultural information management. Many databases of these organizations already exist but none are comprehensive and all differ in coverage (often overlapping), semantic organization, being up-to-date, quantity and quality ...
  • [New Publication] Metadata application profile for agricultural learning resources

    Capacity and institution building is a core function of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO has recently started the "Capacity and Institution Building Portal" to provide structured access to information on FAO’s capacity and institution building services and learning resources. To ensure that the ...
  • [New Publication] Achieving OAI PMH compliancy for CDS/ISIS databases

    CDS/ISIS is an Integrated Storage and Information retrieval System of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which is widely used for managing bibliographical reference ensuring high quality content. The main purpose of this paper is to present the work recently carried out by the Food and Agriculture ...