
Vous pouvez rechercher dans les archives du site web AIMS des articles sur tous les sujets liés aux AIMS.

  • GDPR & What It Means For Researchers (recorded LIBER webinar, 2018)

    The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May, 2018. To take your privacy seriously and to protect your personal information, many organisations have updated their privacy policies and procedures (see, e.g., CIFOR/CGIAR Research Center Privacy Policy and Terms of Use) bringing them in line with ...
  • The OPEN SCIENCE Training Handbook

    Open Science Training Handbook is now online on GitBooks This open knowledge and educational resource is oriented to practical teaching and is therefore available under the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal). You do not have to ask our permission to re-use and copy information from this handbook. Take ...
  • Implement effective Open Data & Keep it alive with Open Data TOOLKIT

    “Around the world, a movement called the “OPEN DATA revolution” is under way to make data available for public use.  This movement is expected to generate new insights, drive better decision-making, and enable governments, civil society, and the private sector to better target interventions and programs”, - Open Data Revolution ...
  • AGRIS reaches 9,240,587 bibliographic records (May 2018)

    As of May 2018, number of AGRIS multilingual bibliographic records/resources has reached 9,240,587. New 29,453 records include all received data until April 2018. The next AGRIS data release will take place in June 2018. AGRIS wishes to thank all AGRIS contributors and users! AGRIS : BACKGROUND  FAO - AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural ...