Building the AgriDrupal Community

In the last 3 days I learned that also ILRI, ICRAF and IFPRI are using the Drupal platform.  This starts to be a bigger group of users!   We are:

-  the Rangeland West Universities in the states who are working on their library websites with Drupal and on a Rangeland Repository project

- Mann Library at Cornell, who did not only their Library websites in Drupal, but are working also on Drupal as a Front End to the VIVO Ontology System


- The Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur with Agropedia Indica and Agrotagger

- the Network of websites from Indian Agricultural faculties within the NAIP

- the team at Sun Yat sen Uiversity in Guangzhou, which is working on Ontology Integratation to Drupal

- our team here at FAO: Agris and AIMS are based on Drupal,  we have done a Drupal adaptation to manage repositories in Bangladesh, we are working together with projects in Ghana and Zambia. We have coined the work AgriDrupal to create specific installation profiles for various tasks with our partners

- the TECA team at FAO

and there might be more, so I put this post public, so that also people who are not registered at AIMS can read it

We should made a community out of this, sharing modules, experiences, standards.........  We offer this group and the AIMS community platform to do so.

With our Indian colleagues we discussed the possibility of an "AgriDrupal" workshop this year to get people together and to exchange knowledge on the different projects.

What do you think?

