Consultation on scientific information in the digital age

In late 2011, the European Commission intends to adopt a Communication and Recommendation on access to and preservation of digital scientific information. This initiative builds on earlier policy developments in this area, and is being developed within the policy contexts of the EU Flagship Initiatives Innovation Union and Digital Agenda for Europe, and of the push for improved knowledge circulation in the European Research Area.

The Communication will take stock of the developments in the area of scientific information, and set out the actions that the Commission intends to take on open access to publications and data in the context of research projects funded by the Union budget. The Recommendation will detail specific actions to be taken at Member State level.

Consultation of interested parties forms part of the policy process. The purpose of this open consultation is to gather information from as many sources as possible. The consultation will feed into the development of possible policy options to be considered, and will contribute to the ex-ante impact assessment that will be carried out.

Target group(s)

All citizens and organisations concerned with access to and preservation of digital scientific information are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from governments, research institutions and universities, libraries, scientific publishers, research funding organisations, businesses, individual researchers and other interested parties.

Period of consultation

From 15.07.2011 to 09.09.2011