DOI Display Guidelines

Extracted from the CrossRef Quaterly (June Issue)

The CrossRef Board of Directors has approved a change to the CrossRef DOI display guidelines. Effective immediately, CrossRef Member Publishers and Affiliates are encouraged to use the URL form wherever a CrossRef DOI appears online, whether on a landing page, table of contents, blog entry, or in a citation reference list. This action represents a change from the previous recommendation to use the form doi:doi. We will be updating our written guidelines and help documentation over the next few months, but in the meantime, please begin to use the new format as soon as possible.

Presenting the CrossRef DOI as a permanent URL link has a number of benefits. Readers will be able to recognize CrossRef DOIs as standard links, whether or not they know what a DOI is. They will be able to easily copy and paste DOI links into their reference managers and authored papers. Machines will easily be able to crawl and resolve DOIs, and ebooks will be able to easily support the links.

As an example, use the new form

not this
