GODAN Webinar – Open data: The drive to food security
November 18, 2019 at 3:00 PM CET.
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Open data policy helps farmers to access data and information on weather, market prices and agricultural inputs thereby improving farmer productivity and reducing key constraints. In this webinar, Sipiwe Manjengwa will discuss several opportunities and initiatives in Zimbabwe, where farmers access open data and services through digital platforms using smartphone applications such Kurima Mari and AgriShare. However, farmers’ biggest challenges are poor connectivity in rural areas, internet bundles and use of smart phones. In addition, there is no policy on open data and bureaucratic systems within the government, misinterpretation of data, and ownership of the data. Community Technology Development Organisation (CTDO), Zimbabwe has developed a policy which recognizes farmers’ rights and recently the government of Zimbabwe has developed a National Strategy and Action Plan for Plant Genetic Resource for Food and Agriculture which also recognizes farmers’ rights to data.
Photo by UNSPLASH licensed under CC0 License
Speaker’s Bio
Sipiwe Manjengwa has more than 27 years working experience in agricultural sector and has worked in several organizations as an Agricultural Research specialist. Sipiwe is working in Zimbabwe for the Community Technology Development Organization (CTDO) where she coordinates a regional project implemented in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe funded by the FAO on the UN under the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The project focuses on farmer rights that ensures the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and consequently for food security according to Article 9 of the International Treaty and reviewing of the SADC and COMESA Seed Harmonization. She has worked in both public and non- governmental organization.