Okkam work on AGRIS for Linked data - Status at May 2010

The attached paper (in Italian) is showing the progress made by OKKAM, Trento (Angela Fogarolli is the coordinator) for the conversion of AGRIS data to RDF, starting with the creation of URIs from journal and authors.

For the authors, one of the methods used for the disambiguation and creation of entities, is the use of web resources to acquire additional information. However, in the document itself, it is noted that one of the problems related to the retrieval of this information, is that the data sources that were searched (see below) contain very little (or none on many occasions) information on agricultural sciences.

The two URIs below are anyway some sample results of the test done manually with the authors. All the URIs are linking to authors and relevant information on articles and journals.

Clicking on the SIG.MA icon on the top left, it is possible to view data on the authors and some other information.

OKKAM - Identificazione Autori FAO.docx88.83 KB