Propose your service in the CIARD Virtual Fair!

The CIARD Virtual Fair is a facility where people and organizations can share and learn about ways to make their information and knowledge open and accessible.  Organizations which provide products and services that enable information to be accessible present themselves to potential users who can see how these relate to the Pathways and hence the Checklist of Good Practices.

There are three ways to explore the CIARD Virtual Fair:

  • Via the CIARD Pathways – mapped against the organizations (‘Enablers’) and services showing ways of achieving each Pathway.
  • Via the Services provided – mapped against the relevant Pathways and the Enablers.
  • Via the Enablers – or originators of the Services. In some cases the Service and the Enabler are synonymous.

Every Pathway, Service and Enabler is linked to further more detailed information.

New services: The CIARD Virtual Fair contains an initial selection of Services and Enablers that we want to expand.  We strongly encourage organisations that are Enablers to propose their Services for possible inclusion in the CIARD Virtual Fair.