Research Data Alliance 22nd Plenary - Attend the session "Addressing agricultural data ethics, agrisemantics and AI"

Research Data Alliance
The 22nd plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will take place virtually from 14 to 23 May.
All experts and practitioners interested in agricultural data are invited to attend the session organized by the Improving Global Agricultural Data (IGAD) Community of Practice titled "Addressing agricultural data ethics, agrisemantics and AI".
Dates and registration:
Live session: Breakout 11 Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 UTC
Repeat session: Breakout 15 Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 22:30–00:00 UTC
Registration to the RDA plenary is required: registration is open now. There are many interesting sessions planned for the plenary: see the Plenary 22 full programme.
Objectives of the IGAD session:
Increase awareness of the IGAD Community of Practice, recruit participants and get input on workplan for a new Working Group on "Ethics in Agricultural Data", and decide if there is interest in any other new Working Groups, such as on how to support the use of Agrisemantics in AI systems.
Session agenda:
1. Introduction (5 min)
2. Updates from the communities (5 minutes)
- IGAD annual meeting (see 2023 annual meeting)
- WorldFAIR project
3. Ethics in Agricultural Research Data: Working Group update (20 minutes)
- Alan Moss (USDA ARS)
4. Agrisemantics for Artificial Intelligence (60 minutes)
- Filipi Miranda Soares (University of São Paulo) – “Applying Large Language Models in Ontology Design: a use case with the Agricultural Product Types Ontology”
- Jennifer Woodward-Greene (USDA) – “NALT for the Machine Age: Cultivating a Semantic System for Data Interoperability”
- Raul Palma (PSNC) - “Semantic interoperability in agriculture data spaces”
- Discussion on new working group
Target Audience:
Experts and interested individuals on: agricultural data and semantics, ethics, artificial intelligence.
Group chair serving as contact person:
Cynthia Parr (cynthia.parr at