Research4Life survey aimed to meet the needs of developing-country researchers

Do you use Research4Life? Does it help your institution find the information needed? Does it make a difference to your research? The latest Research4Life User Experience Review is underway and they want to hear from you.
Research4Life provides online access to up to 100,000 peer-reviewed international scientific and academic journals, books and databases to university libraries and other institutions in eligible developing countries.
Every five years, Research4Life conducts a survey to determine how to better meet the needs of developing-country researchers. It is easy to participate in this survey to help Research4Life improve their services and increase the use of and participation in research worldwide.
Research4Life is looking for views of researchers who use Research4Life and those who are eligible to use it but don’t, as well as views from librarians and other enablers of access via Research4Life in their institutions.
The survey will require up to 30 minutes to complete.
The survey should be completed before Monday 7 September 2020.