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  • Open Educational Resources: the future of Education, co-created with You

    Open Educational Resources (OER) Commons  is an open online library allowing you to search and discover OERs and other freely available instructional materials. The OER Commons infrastructure facilitates evaluation of content and its alignment to education quality standards.OER Commons infrastructure was launched in 2007 by a nonprofit  Institute for the ...
  • DBlexipedia : multilingual lexicalizations for properties of the DBpedia ontology

    DBlexipedia provides a multilingual lexicon for the DBpedia ontology by means of existing automatic methods for lexicon induction. DBlexipedia aims at providing a hub for the lexical Semantic Web, an ecosystem in which ontology lexica are published, linked, and re-used across applications.“We continue to be faced with the dual ...
  • ETDplus project : towards reliably preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    ETDplus (2014-2017) builds on the momentum of the Lifecycle Management of ETDs project to research and build tools to promote best practices and to increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________The ETDplus project* was launched in 2014 to develop research and build tools (...