AgriOcean Dspace
The United Nations agencies of FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE created a joint initiative to customize version of DSpace (known as AgriOceanDspace-AOD) using standards and controlled vocabularies in oceanography, marine science, food, agriculture, development, fisheries, forestry, natural resources and related sciences. On the 23rd of January FAO and UNESCO-IOC/... has over 725,000 registered members in 228 countries. Only a very small percentage of these members contribute back to the Drupal project. Why is this? Survey results online
The AgriDrupal community conducted two surveys to find answers to questions as: How can we attract more contributors? What can we do ...
Presentation prepared by Macaroni Bros and delivered at FAO on January 20th. It includes an evaluation of the issues and technical status of the platform.
The next steps are the following actions: Finalize taxonomies optimization Build taxonomy panels for all section pages Complete PHP nodes migration in module Release first ...
A second set of RDA (Resource Description and Access) vocabulary terms is published as linked open data. All the published RDA vocabularies can be viewed in the Open Metadata Registry(OMR). This was announced by the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, the DCMI Bibliographic Metadata Task Groupand ALA ...