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  • FAO Country Profiles - Stage 4

    Stage 4 of the FAO Country Profiles project was recently approved by the Project Management Board. This stage will close the current FAO Country Profiles (FCP) project at the end of 2009. Based on the results of the project and the recommended follow-on actions, a new business case and project initiation document ...
  • D4Science World User Group Meeting

    At the moment at FAO Rome is taking place the World User Meeting of D4Science. D4Science is an European  FP7 project to create Virtual Research Environments. The picture shows Veronica Guidetti from ESA while demonstrating the setup of an virtual Research Environment. FAO (Fishery people and KM people) ...
  • [New Publication] Aligning Controlled Vocabularies using Faceted based approach

    A vocabulary stores words, synonyms, word sense definitions (i.e. glosses), relations between word senses and concepts; such a vocabulary is generally referred to as the Controlled Vocabulary (CV) if choice or selections of terms are done by domain specialists. A facet is a distinct and dimensional feature of a ...
  • New social media network for Fedora/DSpace

    I just became aware of a fairly new social network for Duraspace, the parent organization of the Fedora, DSpace, and Mulgara projects.  They're using a Crowdvine site at: Looking over the list of current active members it looks like all the major players in DSPace and ...