

  • Survey about SIST and the development of ICT in Africa and Madagascar

    From 2004 to 2009 several African countries (Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia) and research networks (BVB, EMER, GIRE, TICER, DIGITAFRICA) were able with the support of French cooperation to develop a Web based system for scientific and technical information called "SIST".  The French Ministry of Foreign and ...
  • Basic Agrovoc search/index Drupal module

    [These are the preliminary requirements, the final version of this module and related documentation are here] This module encapsulates the Agrovoc indexing functionality implemented in AgriDrupal 0.7 into a Drupal module that also provides a nicer user interface in the search window. Almost ready (in red, things to be done), created ...
  • Proposal for a Drupal Workbench Module

    [To be revised. The Agrovoc or generic SKOS browser functionality can be separated from the scope of this module and is covered by the SKOS browser module that will be developed for Agrovoc and for the BioTech Glossary]   After a first experiment with an Agrovoc search/index Drupal module based ...
  • Results from meeting with SEMIC-EU

    I am just back from my meetings with SEMiC-EU. Just to recap: SEMIC-EU (European Union- Semantic Interoperability Center) is an initiative of DG-IT (the CIO of the commission). It has been set up in 2007 to facilitate data exchange for e-government.  DG-IT is not only responsible for the internal IT structure ...
  • "Unifying" FAO statistic flags

    A working group in support of the corporate "SCWG"  has agreed a method to unify FAO "flags" on statistical databases.  Instead of forcing all data owners into a unified flag system, a concept scheme (Ontology) will be constructed that refers the different flags to each other and to international flagging ...