

  • AIMS - Relating each product to a specific group

     Hi all, As discussed today during the weekly tea meeting, I have prepared the following excel file to get your feedback on mapping each product to a proper theme. You will find the file at this link. If you do not have acces, let me know!  I would be great ...
  • [New Publication] The CIARD RING, an infrastructure for interoperability of agricultural research information services

      Creating integrated information services in agriculture giving access and adding value to information residing in distributed sources remains a major challenge. In distributed architectures, value added services by definition interface several information sources / services. Therefore value added services cannot be built without an awareness of what others have done: which ...
  • NuAges Project for AGRIS2010

    We have been invited by University of Sheffield to participate in "Technology Implementation" Project which has the aim to establish a system for targeted crawling and semantic annotation in the cloud. The partners are Univ. of Sheffield, FAO, Elsevier,  IXXO (French SME), OntoText (Bulgarian SME) and Canonical (Cloud Service Provider ...
  • Representation of Scientific names and Common names in AGROVOC CS WB

      While checking the content in the WB after conversion I found the following inconsistencies which need to be considered before June release. The following issues I would like to share with all. Issue 1: In All the Alternative Descriptors are shown as non preferred terms (please find the attachment) in order ...